About PBC
Evidence based people solutions
Who we are
PBC was founded by Managing Director Peter Berry in 1990. In the decades since, PBC has grown into a leading provider of human capital consulting services and we are proud to be the Australian and New Zealand distributor of Hogan Assessments.
Peter Berry Consultancy is a multidisciplinary global consulting firm with over 30 years of experience in the delivery of solutions aimed at maximising the potential of individuals, teams, leaders, and organisations. We undertake research to support our evidence-based solutions and have a network of partners and distributors globally. PBC is the Australian and New Zealand distributor of Hogan Assessments and the authors of a range of diagnostics including the Hogan 360 suite, Agile suite, High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA), and co-authored the Hogan Safety Climate Survey.
PBC in the community
We are pleased to continue supporting pro bono activities both in Australia and globally. Our staff fundraising through the year, each Christmas PBC makes donations to two charities.
PBC in the community
We are pleased to continue supporting pro bono activities both in Australia and globally. Our staff fundraising through the year, each Christmas PBC makes donations to two charities.
“PBC is an invaluable resource for identifying and developing leadership talent in any organisation anywhere on the planet.”
Robert Hogan, Founder and President, Hogan Assessments
PBC is committed to eradicating acts of modern day and human slavery from within its business, subsidiaries and supply chains. PBC acknowledges responsibility under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and will ensure transparency within the organisation and with our suppliers of goods and services.
PBC provides employees with equitable, fair and legally compliant conditions of work. PBC has a suite of polices to ensure our staff, including contractors, are afforded a workplace, and working conditions that are in accordance with Australian and New Zealand law, are safe and free from discrimination. Wages, hours of work and other conditions are regularly audited to ensure compliance.
PBC has assessed the risk of modern slavery within our direct business operations as low, given the short nature of our supply chain, the professional services nature of our business, the level of control we have over our operations, and our comprehensive labour management. However, we recognise that we may be indirectly exposed to these risks through our supply chain and partner network. All suppliers are subject to critical review before engagement by senior representatives.
Higher risk purchase categories via our supply chain and partner networks.
We have identified the following procurement categories that may have a higher risk of modern slavery:
• Facilities service providers (e.g., cleaning services,
office maintenance, waste management and security)
• Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
infrastructure and hardware
We are committed to undertaking our due diligence processes when contracting with external suppliers and to identifying and assessing any indications of suppliers being of high risk. We will not work with high-risk suppliers unless we have conducted the appropriate assessment that our standards will not be compromised.
We have not been made aware of any allegations of human trafficking / slavery activities against any of our subsidiaries, suppliers or partners. If an allegation were to be
made, we would take the appropriate actions immediately which would include informing the relevant authorities.
We are committed to training our employees and ensuring they have an understanding and respect for how their choices can have far-reaching impacts upon basic human rights across the globe.
PBC will provide training to inform employees of this policy and what is considered Modern Slavery. We will continue to identify and evaluate risks relating to human rights and develop our policies, procedures, and training to help combat modern slavery.
Our History

Peter Berry Consultancy founded (Melbourne)
Peter Berry Consultancy founded (Melbourne) Founded by managing director Peter Berry as the sole employee. Peter delivered leadership development programs through leading business schools
PBC 360 developed
Peter Berry develops the PBC 360, designed to help leaders improve self-awareness, performance and behaviour.
PBC opens Northbridge Office - Sydney
We have now grown to employ a wonderful team of consultants and support staff.
Australian Hogan Distributor
PBC is approached by Bob and Joyce Hogan, to become the Australian distributor for Hogan Assessments. Hogan is used for both selection and development.
1st Hogan Certification workshop (Adelaide) for a Global Client
PBC facilitates first workshop to allow clients to become certified in the administration, interpretation, and implementation of Hogan assessments.
The Big Picture
A fast-paced, sharp-eyed, no nonsense account of leadership and organisational effectiveness. The focus is on leadership driving engagement and performance.
Highest Selling Hogan Distributor
PBC becomes the highest selling Hogan distributor in the world and remains so today.

Hogan 360 rebrand
and global launch
The PBC 360 becomes co-branded with Hogan Assessments and becomes the Hogan 360. Hogan, as with the 360, captures personality, behaviour and reputation. It is the most effective way to assess leadership capability
PBC North Sydney
office opens
PBC purchases our North Sydney office to cater for our extensive growth.
25 year anniversary
PBC is approached by Bob and Joyce Hogan, to become the Australian distributor for Hogan Assessments. Hogan is used for both selection and development.
HPTA Developed
A measurement of team performance across 12 critical themes for success. Leadership is about results. Teams deliver results so judge the leader by their team.
The CEO checklist published
The CEO checklist published A management road map of best practices for achieving leadership and business excellence.
Hogan Certification Workshops
3,000 Hogan Certified practitioners have now been certified across all industries
Melbourne Office Opens
Following strong growth in our Victorian client base, PBC opens a Melbourne office.

Global growth of Hogan 360
The Hogan 360 grows globally with over 9,000 completed users through 20+ distributors in 14 languages.

Hogan and PBC co-branded products launch globally
The Hogan 360 Suite is expanded and rebranded to include Leader Focus 360 and High Potential 360, as well as the globally successful Hogan 360.
Launch of the Agile Leader 360
In conjunction with metaBeratung, PBC launched the Agile Leader 360.

Enhancements of the Hogan 360
Peter Berry Consultancy and Hogan Assessments are committed to the continued improvement of their assessments and products. As part of this commitment, we announced the enhancements of the Hogan 360 assessment.
Our Team
Peter established Peter Berry Consultancy Pty Ltd in 1990. He is an accomplished keynote speaker, facilitator and executive coach. Peter specialises in leadership development, coaching, change management, business performance and team building for leaders within the public and private sector in Australia and globally across various industries. Peter’s competencies include strong leadership skills, sound business acumen, strategic thinking and strong diplomacy skills.
Peter’s experience includes over 20 years as a Director and Associate with Melbourne Business School and was an Associate at Macquarie Graduate School of Management. He is also a regular speaker at The Executive Connection (TEC).
Peter’s most recent book, ‘The CEO Checklist’, is a management guide to excellence in leadership, business and performance. His previous books include ‘The Big Picture – 9 steps to business excellence’ and he has co-authored research, ‘Leadership in Australia’, ‘What makes High Performing CEOs’, ‘Female Leadership in Australia’ and ‘Emerging Leaders in Australia’. Peter has also delivered thought leadership presentations around Australia and globally.
Shayne Nealon is the Managing Partner at PBC. Shayne has over 30 years’ experience in management and human capital. Shayne’s experience in the management of a large global workforce, coupled with her background in operations, customer service, learning and development and workplace safety and compliance, allows her to consult to a broad range of organisations. Shayne is an experienced facilitator and executive coach. Shayne is authorised to accredit psychologists and HR professionals in the use of all Hogan Assessment Systems’ instruments and has used Hogan instruments for 20 years in a range of organisational settings.
What our clients say
"With the input of PBC Hogan and the Hogan assessment suite, we have seen our leadership capability grow in strength and effectiveness.”

- Organisational Development, Talent & Leadership Development Manager, Melbourne Water