On fire or out of flames: Who is at risk for burnout?
For the past year and a half, we all have lived with some degree of uncertainty as the global pandemic wreaked havoc, changing how we interact with others and live our lives. While burnout is not a novel occupational stressor, COVID-19 has escalated the rate of burnout. Of the 75% of workers experiencing burnout, 40% […]
Charisma in job interviews: Identifying top talent
Few of us are immune to the charms of charisma. Research even suggests that our biology may cause us to prefer individuals who project a confident social presence, strong vision, and high risk tolerance.1 Therefore, it is unsurprising that charismatic candidates often seem like irresistible additions to the office. While other candidates might begin to […]
Personality in sports: characteristics for athlete and team success
Imagine the final minute of a national championship match. The fate of the game relies on the final scoring opportunity. The top player receives the ball, and the coach is counting on this player to take the winning shot. Instead, the player passes the ball to a teammate, who shoots and misses. The team loses. […]
Where Personality and Circumstance Collide: Individual Differences in the New World of Work
During a recent conversation about our return to “normal” work — which for Hogan consultants means travel and in-person development and service delivery — a critical question came up. After 15 months of working from home, do my professional pants still fit? Sadly, for at least one of your blog authors, the answer is no. […]
How to Grow Employee Engagement
*This blog was originally published on Hogan Assesments It’s old news that low employee engagement predicts negative business results. Way back in 2004, Gallup estimated that employee disengagement and associated behaviors cost the U.S. $1 trillion per year, or 10% of GDP.1 Since then, many studies have validated the effects of employee engagement on organisational performance. What […]
We Are Not the MBTI
*This blog was originally published by Scott Gregory on Hogan Assessments Often when I meet someone for the first time, I am asked what I do. When I describe the work we do at Hogan and the personality assessments we create for clients, the invariable response is, “Oh, like the MBTI.” Well, not even close. Although […]
6 Benefits of succession planning
Whether it is a multi-generational family business, an SME, or a large corporate, succession planning is absolutely essential to ensure the profitability and longevity of any business. Beyond simply finding the next leader to run an organisation, succession planning involves so much more. Firstly, lets clarify one very important thing. Succession planning is not just […]
The CEO Effect: What’s the Value of Who’s in Charge?
*This blog was originally published on Hogan Assessments Reading the business news makes it obvious that CEOs have a huge impact on organisational success. When corporations succeed, their CEOs are usually credited for company performance.1 When corporations fail, sometimes in colossal fashion, their CEOs are blamed and unceremoniously removed. At Hogan, we are no strangers to […]
What is Personality? Identity Versus Reputation
*This blog was originally published on Hogan Assessments Almost everyone acknowledges the importance of personality in distinguishing people from one another and making judgments about others. For example, when selecting a romantic partner, our research shows that 79% of men and 84% of women cite personality as their primary consideration. But what is personality, exactly? On […]
Why skill alone cannot predict leadership performance
When it comes to succession planning, the most technically skilled people are often the ones who are earmarked for leadership roles, however skill alone cannot predict leadership performance. The skills required for a lawyer to win a case, a finance manager to oversee a merger, or an engineer to mastermind a complex design, are not […]