Why Assessment-Based Coaching Is Far Superior

Assessment-based coaching is transformative, far superior to traditional coaching because it is grounded in objective data essential to the coach and the participant. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with four-time guest Jackie Sahm, MS, Hogan’s director of product development, about why assessment-based coaching is better than any other kind. In her […]

How to Coach Leaders Through Change

Every organisation experiences some degree of change. It’s a constant in business. This fact makes change management a key capability for leaders. How they lead through change affects their personal, team, and organisational success. It also makes responding to change a key theme in leadership coaching. Hogan practitioners can coach leaders through it by helping […]

Using AI to Interpret Hogan Scores

Artificial intelligence systems, especially large language models such as GPTs, respond to text-based inputs with novel, humanlike text outputs. You can ask for an essay about the fall of Rome or a love poem to your romantic partner, and the system will readily generate it. Such systems can even take medical test information as inputs and […]

The Future Is Here: AI, Personality, and the Impact

Before we start catastrophising about our future AI rulers, we should stop and appreciate the potential good that artificial intelligence can offer. The impact of AI on personality assessment and workplace communication will likely be positive—and extensive. Recently on The Science of Personality Live, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager at Hogan […]

CEO Behaviour

Are luxury possessions and speeding tickets indicative of CEOs who will cultivate scandal and commit fraud? They can be. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Aiyesha Dey, PhD, associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, about how CEO personality influences CEO behaviour. By researching the […]

From Resistance to Receptivity: Predicting Feedback Resistance

You’re giving feedback during a debrief, and suddenly the leader goes quiet. You can feel the rapport evaporate. This unpredictable shift caught you by surprise, and you wish you could have anticipated it in preparing for the feedback session. Predicting feedback resistance is not impossible, however, with all the Hogan personality data you have at your fingertips. […]

7 Executive coaching trends shaping leader development

The coaching industry has grown significantly in the past decade and momentum for the practice doesn’t appear to be slowing, particularly in the area of executive and leadership coaching. We explore the 2020 Executive Coaching for Results Research Study conducted by CoachSource to uncover the latest trends in executive coaching and how they are shaping leader development. This […]