Hiring Gen Z: Talent Attraction and Retention Strategies

You know the story: The skills gap is cavernous. The Great Resignation is here. Baby boomers are retiring at record pace. The employment climate is changing too quickly, and you have jobs to fill — you need to adapt. But how? First, know it’s not just you. Organisations across industries and around the globe are […]

Enhancing Employee Engagement

Authored by: Dr Lynne Cruickshank, Head of Research, PBC Enhancing Employee Engagement There is growing consensus that employee engagement is a critical element of an organisation’s success, with employee engagement found to be associated with a range of performance and business outcomes. For instance, Gallup (2020) found that employee engagement was associated with higher levels of productivity, […]

3 Ways To Build Team Trust

*This blog was originally published by Hogan Assessments The research is clear: Highly effective teams drive organisational performance.1 When a highly effective team comes together to accomplish a goal, the unique skills and characteristics of each team member work together in concert to produce work that no person could accomplish alone. The astronauts of Apollo 11 worked together to […]

How Working from Home Has Changed Employees and the Workplace

*This blog was originally published by Hogan Assessments As COVID-19 cases surge once again, organizations that were eager to have employees return to the office are delaying those plans — in many cases, indefinitely. This means that many employees will continue to work from home, whether they like it or not. There are pros and cons of […]

How to Grow Employee Engagement

*This blog was originally published on Hogan Assesments It’s old news that low employee engagement predicts negative business results. Way back in 2004, Gallup estimated that employee disengagement and associated behaviors cost the U.S. $1 trillion per year, or 10% of GDP.1 Since then, many studies have validated the effects of employee engagement on organisational performance. What […]