PBC and Hogan Update the Hogan 360 Assessment

Hogan 360 Updates Peter Berry Consultancy and Hogan Assessments are committed to the continued improvement of their assessments and products. As part of this commitment, we are pleased to announce forthcoming changes to the Hogan 360 assessment. The rollout will occur in phases, beginning with Australia in Q2 2024, before launching globally. We are confident that these […]

Why your hiring process is missing a crucial component

CVs, interviews, reference checks – do they tell you who your candidate really is? Managing director Peter Berry discusses the importance of personality assessments to hiring and talent development. When organisations hire, most will fall back on their tried and tested method: post a job ad, select candidates, conduct an interview and contact referees. However, this process […]

Humble Leadership in Action: Subaru case study

How Subaru Shaped it’s Culture Subaru of America President and CEO Thomas J. Doll led the company through the 2008–2009 financial crisis to 12 years of growth at a time when the auto industry faced significant challenges. He did this by modeling the characteristics in Hogan’s recent research showing the link between humility and strong […]

What is Executive Presence?

Executive presence is one of the hottest management topics in the business world. Executive presence features heavily in leadership literature, is a major component of executive coaching and is taught in business schools. If you google executive presence you will find descriptions that include gravitas, body language, appearance, emotional intelligence (EQ) and integrity. With communications […]

Case Study: Multinational Petrochemical Company Hogan 360

Background A multinational company based in Europe, one of the largest companies in the world, was looking for a new approach to developing and identifying high potential leaders. As part of this new approach, they reviewed their current leadership assessments and recognised a need to enhance their assessment suite which included their multi-rater survey. They […]

What are the competencies of great leaders?

New research from PBC covering the results of nearly 30,000 360 profiles of managers has reviewed the answers.  By looking at senior roles, specifically CEO and C-suite results at the 75th percentile, we get key insights into benchmarking the best. Four super competencies emerged.  They have a strong achievement focus and are strategic.  In short, they […]

Case Study: Canon Oceania Hogan 360

Canon Oceania were interested in utilising a 360 multi-rater survey specifically aligned to the revised leadership capability framework. Canon wanted to measure against a consistent framework across the employee lifecycle. Peter Berry Consultancy were asked to provide a customised Hogan 360 and Group Report with mapping to their leadership capability framework. Canon needed an individual and group 360 […]

Best Practices: Remote Coaching During Times of Disruption and Uncertainty

Best Practices: Remote Coaching During Times of Disruption and Uncertainty In any coaching session, whether remote or in person, it is important for the coach to provide an environment that is comfortable, safe, thought provoking, and informative. This sounds simple, but because the coach and coachee often have only a short period of time to […]

Why Free Personality Tests Aren’t Worth the Price

Personality assessment is a thriving modern enterprise — and for many good reasons. Notably, people enjoy learning about themselves, and personality tests have significant entertainment value. A quick search for “free personality tests” via Google will turn up countless results for different personality questionnaires. It’s All Fun and Games … On social media, people frequently share results […]

Business Strategy Meets Talent Strategy: Benefits of Metrics-Driven Leadership Development

In the past, product and service delivery were expressed in abstract terms like “as soon as we can” or “the best we can.” Gradually, time of product and service delivery became metrics driven. Yet many organisational functions — specifically those guided by people and so-called “soft skills” — were still not considered to be measurable. […]