Leadership Through Organisational Crisis

Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer for Hogan, gave a presentation on leadership through organisational crisis at the Peter Berry Consultancy Thought Leadership Forum in Sydney. In 2018, Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 experienced engine failure. Debris from the engine struck the wing and a window, causing rapid decompression in the cabin and one passenger fatality. […]

CEO Behaviour

Are luxury possessions and speeding tickets indicative of CEOs who will cultivate scandal and commit fraud? They can be. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Aiyesha Dey, PhD, associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, about how CEO personality influences CEO behaviour. By researching the […]

Rethinking the Psychology of Criminal Behaviour: Personality in Organised Crime

I spent two years as a probation officer in Southern California. Fascinated with the psychology of criminal behaviour, I became a psychologist to learn more about it. I studied delinquency for 15 years before turning to leadership—and the two topics have a lot in common. Consensus exists among researchers regarding the psychology of prison inmates, […]

6 Benefits of succession planning

Whether it is a multi-generational family business, an SME, or a large corporate, succession planning is absolutely essential to ensure the profitability and longevity of any business. Beyond simply finding the next leader to run an organisation, succession planning involves so much more. Firstly, lets clarify one very important thing. Succession planning is not just […]