5 Engaging Virtual Team-Building Activities

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” This quote, attributed to Helen Keller, is as true today as it was in the 1920s. A cohesive team is one of the most effective ways to accomplish work and achieve goals. Virtual team-building activities for bringing remote teams and hybrid teams together […]

Business Strategy Meets Talent Strategy: Benefits of Metrics-Driven Leadership Development

In the past, product and service delivery were expressed in abstract terms like “as soon as we can” or “the best we can.” Gradually, time of product and service delivery became metrics driven. Yet many organisational functions — specifically those guided by people and so-called “soft skills” — were still not considered to be measurable. […]

Enhancing Employee Engagement

Authored by: Dr Lynne Cruickshank, Head of Research, PBC Enhancing Employee Engagement There is growing consensus that employee engagement is a critical element of an organisation’s success, with employee engagement found to be associated with a range of performance and business outcomes. For instance, Gallup (2020) found that employee engagement was associated with higher levels of productivity, […]

How Working from Home Has Changed Employees and the Workplace

*This blog was originally published by Hogan Assessments As COVID-19 cases surge once again, organizations that were eager to have employees return to the office are delaying those plans — in many cases, indefinitely. This means that many employees will continue to work from home, whether they like it or not. There are pros and cons of […]

7 Executive coaching trends shaping leader development

The coaching industry has grown significantly in the past decade and momentum for the practice doesn’t appear to be slowing, particularly in the area of executive and leadership coaching. We explore the 2020 Executive Coaching for Results Research Study conducted by CoachSource to uncover the latest trends in executive coaching and how they are shaping leader development. This […]

Why using personality and 360 assessments in tandem is a no brainer!

There is no denying that personality is vitally important to leadership – it drives behaviour and performance which in turn impacts reputation. Reputation is how one’s behaviour is perceived by others, and it is just as important as personality in making or breaking a leader. Using personality and 360 assessments in tandem can help a […]

Can People Really Change? Practical Advice for Leadership Development

Leadership development is a $366 billion dollar industry, with $166 billion spent in the U.S. alone.1 ATD reports that 70% of companies use personality tests to develop senior leaders and high potentials, with another 10% to 15% in the process of building a system to do so.2 Yet most leadership development interventions fail to produce organisational results.3 Nearly all […]

Should you judge a leader by the team?

No longer charged with the singular focus of meeting financial goals, more than ever, today’s leaders have much to contend with.  In addition to demonstrating bottom line results, they are evaluated on company culture, staff retention and engagement, employee opinion, and customer satisfaction. So, should you judge a leader by the team? Peter Berry Consultancy […]

6 Benefits of succession planning

Whether it is a multi-generational family business, an SME, or a large corporate, succession planning is absolutely essential to ensure the profitability and longevity of any business. Beyond simply finding the next leader to run an organisation, succession planning involves so much more. Firstly, lets clarify one very important thing. Succession planning is not just […]