Personality of Elite Athletes
PBC has worked with the elite athletes at both state and national level across Australia, developing their players, teams and umpires. We also published a research paper to examine the following points of interest: • Do elite sports players differ from non-elite sports players in terms of their personality? • How do any observable difference […]
CEO Behaviour
Are luxury possessions and speeding tickets indicative of CEOs who will cultivate scandal and commit fraud? They can be. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Aiyesha Dey, PhD, associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, about how CEO personality influences CEO behaviour. By researching the […]
5 Engaging Virtual Team-Building Activities
“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” This quote, attributed to Helen Keller, is as true today as it was in the 1920s. A cohesive team is one of the most effective ways to accomplish work and achieve goals. Virtual team-building activities for bringing remote teams and hybrid teams together […]
Personality and Role Replacement
When a role becomes vacant, we usually strive to replace the person, not the personality. But is that really the most equitable and efficient way to tackle role replacement, particularly employee replacement? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Bradley Brummel, PhD, professor and director of industrial-organisational psychology, […]
The Superstar Effect
Superstar workers aren’t always as good as they seem. When other high performers must compete with superstars, they can become demotivated. This is known as the superstar effect, and it can have a significant impact on teams and organisations. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, explored […]
From Resistance to Receptivity: Predicting Feedback Resistance
You’re giving feedback during a debrief, and suddenly the leader goes quiet. You can feel the rapport evaporate. This unpredictable shift caught you by surprise, and you wish you could have anticipated it in preparing for the feedback session. Predicting feedback resistance is not impossible, however, with all the Hogan personality data you have at your fingertips. […]
Humour and Personality in the Workplace
What is something that produces chemicals within the brain as if you are meditating and exercising at the same time, but is HR approved? Humour.1 Humour can be beneficial both outside the workplace and within the workplace. Outside of the workplace, humour improves physical well-being and mental health.2 Inside of the workplace, humour has been shown to […]
Why using personality and 360 assessments in tandem is a no brainer!
There is no denying that personality is vitally important to leadership – it drives behaviour and performance which in turn impacts reputation. Reputation is how one’s behaviour is perceived by others, and it is just as important as personality in making or breaking a leader. Using personality and 360 assessments in tandem can help a […]
Can People Really Change? Practical Advice for Leadership Development
Leadership development is a $366 billion dollar industry, with $166 billion spent in the U.S. alone.1 ATD reports that 70% of companies use personality tests to develop senior leaders and high potentials, with another 10% to 15% in the process of building a system to do so.2 Yet most leadership development interventions fail to produce organisational results.3 Nearly all […]
How do personality tests work?
Personality is a person’s disposition or core wiring. It drives our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in ways that are highly predictable. In the same way that drivers use a map to see their route before stepping on the gas, employers should use a personality test to predict the likely performance trajectory of job candidates before making […]