What Is Strategic Self-Awareness?

Hogan founder Robert Hogan, PhD, says that by “know thyself,” the ancient Greeks weren’t talking about simple introspection. Their concept of self-knowledge meant understanding the limits of one’s performance capabilities in any given interaction.1 Similarly, Hogan’s concept of self-knowledge—called strategic self-awareness—requires understanding how others perceive us in social interaction. When leaders fail to recognise their strengths, […]

Cultivating Strategic Self-Awareness

Authored by: Dr Lynne Cruickshank, Head of Research, PBC While many of us would like to believe that we have high levels of self-awareness, unfortunately, it is not unusual for blind spots to exist between how we perceive our own behaviours and attributes and how others perceive them. These blind spots have the potential to […]

Humour and Personality in the Workplace

What is something that produces chemicals within the brain as if you are meditating and exercising at the same time, but is HR approved? Humour.1 Humour can be beneficial both outside the workplace and within the workplace. Outside of the workplace, humour improves physical well-being and mental health.2 Inside of the workplace, humour has been shown to […]

Personality in sports: characteristics for athlete and team success

Imagine the final minute of a national championship match. The fate of the game relies on the final scoring opportunity. The top player receives the ball, and the coach is counting on this player to take the winning shot. Instead, the player passes the ball to a teammate, who shoots and misses. The team loses. […]