In 2007 PBC was engaged by a significant Global Resources Company to develop a profiling assessment that would predict performance of its contracted construction supervisors (with a particular focus on safety competencies).
And had to eliminate the following:
- Ineffective interactions with customers
- Emotionally-charged reactions to crisis situations
- Poor vigilance in high risk situations
- Lack of reliability
- Procedural violations and insubordination
- Poor work ethic
- Create a caring environment for the unique customer base
In conjunction with this organisation, PBC conducted a validation study to assess the Construction Supervisors role and developed a customised report using the Hogan Assessments: HPI and HDS. The report was designed for use in selection and development. The report specifically rates candidates against seven key supervisor competencies critical for the role – including safety and leadership.
This report also provides an overall rating for each candidate indicated as ‘low’, ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ fit to assist in the selection decision for individual candidates.
Since 2007, the organisation’s contractors have a contractual obligation to use the Hogan assessments, specifically the customised report to recruit and develop Construction Supervisors.
This report has been used by 19 companies who contract to this global company. The customised report was designed to be used for selection and development. The organisation will not allow supervisors with a low rating to be engaged as a supervisor on the organisation’s sites. This is part of the organisations risk management safety strategy.Supervisors selected with a moderate overall fit rating must have a development program (based on their profile) put in place to assist them with their supervisory role and enhance operational safety.
PBC has jointly conducted structured research to ensure the assessment was performing as anticipated. This study in 2009 showed a positive correlation between assessment ratings and actual supervisor performance. PBC and Hogan continue to monitor the performance of the profile.