4 Reasons why bad hires cost so much
*This blog was originally published by Hogan Assessments Everything is getting more expensive these days, and bad hires are no exception. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employees who fail to live up to expectations usually cost their organizations at least 30% of their first-year earnings.1 And the indirect costs of a bad hire? They can […]
7 Executive coaching trends shaping leader development
The coaching industry has grown significantly in the past decade and momentum for the practice doesn’t appear to be slowing, particularly in the area of executive and leadership coaching. We explore the 2020 Executive Coaching for Results Research Study conducted by CoachSource to uncover the latest trends in executive coaching and how they are shaping leader development. This […]
The under-representation of women in leadership
*This blog was originally published by Hogan Assessments There are three popular explanations for the clear under-representation of women in management and entrepreneurship, namely: (1) they are not capable; (2) they are not interested; (3) they are both interested and capable but unable to break the glass-ceiling: an invisible career barrier, based on prejudiced stereotypes, that […]
Humour and Personality in the Workplace
What is something that produces chemicals within the brain as if you are meditating and exercising at the same time, but is HR approved? Humour.1 Humour can be beneficial both outside the workplace and within the workplace. Outside of the workplace, humour improves physical well-being and mental health.2 Inside of the workplace, humour has been shown to […]
Why using personality and 360 assessments in tandem is a no brainer!
There is no denying that personality is vitally important to leadership – it drives behaviour and performance which in turn impacts reputation. Reputation is how one’s behaviour is perceived by others, and it is just as important as personality in making or breaking a leader. Using personality and 360 assessments in tandem can help a […]
What is unconscious bias?
*This blog was originally published by Hogan Assessments The category for Jeopardy! is Bias in Hiring. Your clue: the talent acquisition process that led to Mike Richards being named as the new Jeopardy! host may have been influenced by this psychological phenomenon.1 If you answered “what is unconscious bias?” you are spot-on.1 Of course, unconscious bias can be hard to prove, […]
Can People Really Change? Practical Advice for Leadership Development
Leadership development is a $366 billion dollar industry, with $166 billion spent in the U.S. alone.1 ATD reports that 70% of companies use personality tests to develop senior leaders and high potentials, with another 10% to 15% in the process of building a system to do so.2 Yet most leadership development interventions fail to produce organisational results.3 Nearly all […]
Should you judge a leader by the team?
No longer charged with the singular focus of meeting financial goals, more than ever, today’s leaders have much to contend with. In addition to demonstrating bottom line results, they are evaluated on company culture, staff retention and engagement, employee opinion, and customer satisfaction. So, should you judge a leader by the team? Peter Berry Consultancy […]
How do personality tests work?
Personality is a person’s disposition or core wiring. It drives our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in ways that are highly predictable. In the same way that drivers use a map to see their route before stepping on the gas, employers should use a personality test to predict the likely performance trajectory of job candidates before making […]
Candidate comparison done right
After the candidate pool has been sufficiently narrowed down, distinctions between highly qualified candidates can start to feel arbitrary. Employers may find themselves parsing minutiae, measuring Candidate A’s great anecdote about on-the-job innovation against Candidate B’s international experience and Candidate C’s arresting interpersonal skills. Although by this point it may feel like the final hiring […]