Averting Disaster

Safety solutions typically focus on education, equipment and protocol. Although advances in these areas have improved worker safety, they continue to neglect the overwhelming cause of workplace catastrophes: human error. Building on a century of research, Hogan identified three components crucial for enhancing employee safety: worker personality – some people are more accident prone than […]

Managing Creative Teams

If you’ve ever led creative people, you know that managing creative teams takes special techniques. Creativity and imagination can bring innovation as well as impracticality. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp discussed what works and what doesn’t when managing creative teams. Research has shown best practices for how to manage process teams, […]

The Psychology of Patience

Is patience a virtue? Well . . . according to a new theory, there’s a much more fruitful way to think about the psychology of patience. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with Kate Sweeny, PhD, professor of psychology at University of California, Riverside, about the psychology of patience. A social psychologist with […]

Showing Race Fairness in Hogan’s Australian and New Zealand Assessments

Showing Race Fairness in Hogan’s Australian and New Zealand Assessments Organisations that use assessments to make decisions trust those assessments will provide helpful insights (who to hire, where to focus during coaching) without unfairly discriminating against demographic groups. Hogan shares these organisations’ concerns and is committed to ongoing reviews of our assessments’ fairness across age […]

Thought Leadership – Building Your Personal Brand: The Key to Career Success

Thought Leadership – Building Your Personal Brand: The Key to Career Success Authored by: Peter Berry, Managing Director, PBC   The concept of personal brand has become very popular in the world of leadership and business literature, including Forbes magazine and the Harvard Business Review. Personal brand is about building one’s value proposition to enhance private […]

The Psychology of Humility

Academic psychology maintains that personality should be described in terms of five dimensions—the so-called five-factor model—and that all other dimensions of personality are combinations of these. But this model isn’t as comprehensive as many tend to believe. Consider ambition, for example. Ambition isn’t a factor in the Big Five, but we know it’s an important […]

Strategic Leadership in VUCA Environments

Leaders cannot anticipate every specific situation—not when the world is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). Knowing how to lead in a VUCA environment doesn’t mean making infinite contingency plans. Instead, it means having flexibility, solving problems, driving change, and handling the unknown. Strategic leadership in the face of VUCA means being versatile when your […]

The Importance of Inclusion and Belonging for Well-Being

Organisations need to consider inclusion and belonging in their employee well-being initiatives. Diversity and equity are important, but inclusion and belonging give diversity and equity meaning. Belonging, especially, is a vital yet intangible outcome of excellent inclusion practices. A well-being initiative that incorporates inclusion and belonging prioritises the unique perspectives that a diverse workforce offers. The inclusion […]

Why Assessment-Based Coaching Is Far Superior

Assessment-based coaching is transformative, far superior to traditional coaching because it is grounded in objective data essential to the coach and the participant. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with four-time guest Jackie Sahm, MS, Hogan’s director of product development, about why assessment-based coaching is better than any other kind. In her […]

Validity Scale Update

Starting on August 2, Hogan will be making a small update to the Validity statement that appears on some of our reports. The new statement will say, “This report shows a regular assessment pattern,” or “This report shows an irregular assessment pattern.” Here’s why we’re making this change.     The quintessential feature of any Hogan […]