Empowering the Next Generation of Women Leaders

How should we approach leadership development for college students? How can we use such efforts to empower the next generation of women leaders? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with Jennifer Tackett, PhD, professor and director of clinical training, and Haoqi Zhang, PhD, associate professor of computer science, both at Northwestern University. […]

AI in Psychology

Leadership consultants, executive coaches, industrial-organisational psychologists, and artificial intelligence all have the same goal: to help make people better at what they do. Do you agree? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Ted Hayes, PhD, a research psychologist in northern Virginia, about the implications of […]

Four-Point Assessments and Norm Upgrades

Our 2023 norm and scoring upgrade is yet another example of Hogan’s strong commitment to actively take part in the promotion of equal employment opportunity and success for all. True to our founding principles of social justice and our core purpose of helping people and organisations succeed using data-driven talent insights, we believe people have […]

What Is Leadership?

Famed management consultant Peter Drucker, PhD, once described leadership as being about followership. This may sound redundant, but from our perspective, there’s much more to it. At Hogan, we’ve been studying leadership for decades. In fact, we’re an international authority in the subject—specifically in the relationship between leadership, personality, and job performance. But we realise […]

Using AI to Interpret Hogan Scores

Artificial intelligence systems, especially large language models such as GPTs, respond to text-based inputs with novel, humanlike text outputs. You can ask for an essay about the fall of Rome or a love poem to your romantic partner, and the system will readily generate it. Such systems can even take medical test information as inputs and […]

The Future Is Here: AI, Personality, and the Impact

Before we start catastrophising about our future AI rulers, we should stop and appreciate the potential good that artificial intelligence can offer. The impact of AI on personality assessment and workplace communication will likely be positive—and extensive. Recently on The Science of Personality Live, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager at Hogan […]

HR Burnout: The Organisation Is Fine, But Are You?

Exhausted? Feeling cynical or negative? Checking out? It’s not just you—especially if you’re an HR professional. As much as burnout today is a global experience, even recognised by the World Health Organisation, it has taken an especially serious toll on the very people who are deeply concerned with occupational well-being: human resources professionals.1 So, what’s led to the […]

The 2022 Derailers of the Year

It was quite a year, wasn’t it? From supply chain issues to quiet quitting, from Will Smith to Elon Musk, it seems as though 2022 was characterised by big events, big personalities, and big derailers. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, continued their annual tradition of […]

Employee Well-Being: Whose Responsibility Is It, Anyway?

Employee well-being matters. Most of us have had jobs that made us stressed or miserable. We know what it’s like to feel as though a boss or workplace is costing us our physical or mental health. In the words of Robert Hogan, PhD, “Bad leaders perpetrate terrible misery on those subject to their domain.” Who should […]

The Future of Personality Assessment

Measuring personality is complex. How can personality assessment retain what is valuable in traditional methods while leveraging the technology of the future, such as AI and machine learning? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Georgi Yankov, PhD, senior research scientist at Development Dimensions International, about […]