Since the dawn of government, charismatic politicians have seemed to have a significant advantage when it comes to holding leadership roles. They enamour us with their confidence, vision, and their ability to tell us what we want to hear. But charismatic leadership is not necessarily the same as effective leadership. Why do humans feel so attracted to charisma?
On episode 121 of The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with Zsolt Feher, vice president of business development at Hogan Assessments, to talk about charismatic leadership in politics.
“When a good leader is in place, everybody wins,” Zsolt said.
The three discussed some notable charismatic politicians throughout history, personality characteristics they have in common, and what makes an effective leader.
What Makes Charismatic Leaders Stand Out in Politics
Zsolt, who comes from Hungary, noted that his home country has experienced much political volatility. His interest in politics originated during his youth when he recognized that countries flourish under good leadership and suffer under bad leadership.
A common characteristic of charismatic political leaders is what Zsolt described as animal magnetism. This refers to a leader’s ability to attract, charm, or mesmerize followers—in other words, to use presence to stand out. Zsolt focused on how a leader makes followers feel: “A definite component of charisma is the ability to make others feel seen, heard, and valued.”
The Golden Mean of Charisma
The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) has a set of scales called the Moving Against cluster: Bold, Mischievous, Colourful, and Imaginative. These scales relate to seeming confident, charming, socially skilled, and innovative, qualities that tend to exemplify charismatic leadership. “The key is not to let charisma overshadow other factors,” Zsolt explained. When overused, charisma can make a leader seem arrogant, untrustworthy, attention-seeking, or eccentric.
Charismatic leaders tend to be self-confident and to instil that belief in others. They have the communication skills to set a compelling vision to motivate followers. They have the emotional intelligence to affect how others feel about them or their ideologies. Too little charisma can be harmful in politics, preventing a leader from gaining visibility. Too much charisma can also be harmful, especially if it is motivated by personal gain rather than altruism. “That’s really the question here—how they use this capability,” Zsolt said.
Charismatic Political Leaders in History
The book Hitler and Churchill: Secrets of Leadership by Andrew Roberts studies the two different leadership styles of the politicians. Both were charismatic, but only one was successful. This shows that charismatic leadership and effective leadership do not necessarily overlap.
Zsolt identified chancellor Angela Merkel and prime ministers Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, and Indira Gandhi as political figures who were charismatic, controversial, and successful. He also mentioned the “usual suspects” of charismatic political leaders who were initially seen as promising: Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot. Those who have far more positive legacies are Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela.
“The uniting factor for most of these people is that they seem to be someone who will be good for me,” Zsolt said. “They are someone who shares my value set. They are someone who will fulfill my needs. Many times in politics, you don’t even need to say what you are going to do. You just need to create the feeling that I am going to be there for you. I’m going to make a better world for you, whatever that looks like.”
The Psychological Need for Leadership in Uncertain Times
“Charismatic figures often emerge when we feel lost or hopeless or oppressed,” Zsolt said. People may gravitate toward charismatic leaders during uncertain times because of their psychological need for stability.
According to socioanalytic theory, human behaviour has three universal motives: to get along (cooperate), get ahead (compete), and find meaning or purpose. A charismatic leader often promises to do good for the group, community, or society. People feel inspired by the compelling vision. They hope that their nation can become bigger or better than it currently is.
A charismatic leader’s confidence about what’s ahead can be compelling and reassuring to followers. “People believe someone who can give them some certainty about the future,” Zsolt said. Charismatic leadership can also help foster group identity. For instance, in advocating for Indian independence from Britain, Gandhi helped establish national identity. Unity, vision, hope, security—these are what people seek from charismatic leaders. Leaders who assuage uncertainty and provide guidance are perceived as successful. “This makes the difference between people who promise and people who execute,” he explained.
Effective Leadership
Charisma notwithstanding, a leader is generally considered successful when they use resources strategically, make sound decisions, learn from failure, and adapt to circumstances or feedback. In Hogan terms, an effective leader builds and maintains a high-performing team. This means developing the strategic self-awareness to understand limitations and avoid overplaying strengths.
The idea of using charm and social skill to achieve goals is not even slightly new to human behaviour. Sometimes leaders fulfill their promises, and sometimes they don’t. So how can we tell the difference? Past behaviour is the best indication of future behaviour. To identify effective leaders, consider how they have already applied their skills.
*This article originally appeared on Hogan Assessments.