Author: Peter Berry, Managing Director, PBC
2020…a big year for PBC!
This year marks our 30th year in business. I can still remember the humble beginnings from my home office in Fitzroy North, Melbourne. Now we have corporate offices in Sydney and Melbourne, with distributors and partners in over 20 countries. Our team of professionals are highly engaged and care passionately about our clients.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients, partners and global distributors for supporting us during our 30 year journey.
Today our business encompasses the use of evidence-based psychometrics. We are privileged to be the Australian distributor for Hogan Assessments, the gold standard in personality testing, for over 18 years. We are proud to be the author of the Hogan 360, which is powered by PBC, and continues to see growth in Australia and globally.
If I look back at the past 30 years, there are some very special memories:
- 1990 – I founded Peter Berry Consultancy in Melbourne with myself as the sole employee, where I delivered leadership development programs through leading business schools.
- 1994 – Relocate to Sydney
- 1995 – The first version of the PBC 360 is in the market. We are one of the first multi rater feedback providers in Australia.
- 2002 – Opens first corporate office in Northbridge, Sydney.
- 2003 – Drs Robert and Joyce Hogan ask us to be the Australian distributor for Hogan assessments.
- 2004 – First Hogan certification workshop.
- 2007 – The Big Picture, a fast-paced, sharp-eyed, no nonsense account of leadership and organisational effectiveness, is published
- 2010 – PBC becomes the highest selling Hogan distributor in the world.
- 2013 – The PBC 360 becomes branded as the Hogan 360.
- 2014 – The North Sydney office opens as our staffing levels grow.
- 2015 – The High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA) is developed
- 2016 – The CEO Checklist, a management road map of best practices for achieving leadership and business excellence, is published.
- 2017 – The Melbourne offices opens so that we can better serve our Victorian clients.
- 2018 – The Hogan 360 Suite is expanded and re-branded to include Leader Focus 360 and High Potential 360, as well as the globally successful Hogan 360.
- 2019 – Launch of the Agile Leader 360 in conjunction with metaBeratung
Some exciting events for 2020:
Hogan are coming to Australia
To celebrate our 30th anniversary, Dr. Robert Hogan and Dr. Ryne Sherman have agreed to visit us in June.
We will be hosting thought leadership events throughout the year for Hogan certified practitioners and our clients. During the June visit, Dr Robert Hogan and Dr Ryne Sherman, Hogan’s Chief Science Officer will be presenting on a range of contemporary topics.
Peter Berry to present on SIOP panel
In April this year, I will be presenting on “The Evolution of 360s and Practical Recommendations for Today” with Ryne Sherman, Sathi Banerjee (Leadership Assessment Lead, Shell International Ltd.). Allan Church (Senior Vice President of Global Talent Assessment and Development, PepsiCo) and Rob Kaiser (President, Kaiser Leadership Solutions) at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) in Austin, Texas.
Hogan 360 Masterclass
For the first time in Australia, we will be hosting a Hogan 360 Masterclass.
This will cover how combining the Hogan 360 with the Hogan personality assessments provides you with a complete picture of the individual. As I always say, “Give me someone’s Hogan personality reports and their Hogan 360 and they have no place to hide“.
New research to be released throughout 2020 on Hogan 360 and Hogan personality assessments correlations.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates as the occur throughout 2020.