Best Practices: Remote Coaching During Times of Disruption and Uncertainty

Best Practices: Remote Coaching During Times of Disruption and Uncertainty In any coaching session, whether remote or in person, it is important for the coach to provide an environment that is comfortable, safe, thought provoking, and informative. This sounds simple, but because the coach and coachee often have only a short period of time to […]

Why Free Personality Tests Aren’t Worth the Price

Personality assessment is a thriving modern enterprise — and for many good reasons. Notably, people enjoy learning about themselves, and personality tests have significant entertainment value. A quick search for “free personality tests” via Google will turn up countless results for different personality questionnaires. It’s All Fun and Games … On social media, people frequently share results […]

Business Strategy Meets Talent Strategy: Benefits of Metrics-Driven Leadership Development

In the past, product and service delivery were expressed in abstract terms like “as soon as we can” or “the best we can.” Gradually, time of product and service delivery became metrics driven. Yet many organisational functions — specifically those guided by people and so-called “soft skills” — were still not considered to be measurable. […]

New Year, New Hire, Part 6: How to Write a Rejection Letter

Picture it: you just wrapped up your interview, and you’re confident you’ve found your ideal candidate. They’re smart, hardworking, qualified, socially skilled, and you know they’re going to blend well with the team. You’ve even got the personality assessment results to prove it. You send them the job offer, and they accept. Everything is great, right? […]

Becoming a Manager: 11 Most Difficult Challenges

Becoming a manager for the first time is an exciting career milestone. But because of the magnitude of change involved, making the transition to management can also be nerve-racking for many people. If you’re a new manager or preparing to become a manager, here’s what you can expect as you enter this new phase of […]

New Year, New Hire, Part 5: How to Impress Candidates in an Interview

If you’ve been following our series about refining your talent acquisition process, you likely know that after our last article on how to weed out unqualified candidates, it’s time for the main event: the interview. There are many resources out there on both good and bad interview questions — but there is more to effective interviewing. A job […]

New Year, New Hire, Part 4: How to Weed Out Unqualified Candidates

Our series on how to refine your hiring process and how to find qualified candidates continues. In the previous blog, we identified the top five résumé red flags that hiring managers should know. However, résumé red flags are only one layer of the vetting process — after that, it’s time to sort through the candidate pool and identify […]

New Year, New Hire, Part 3: Top 5 Résumé Red Flags

Continuing our series on using the start to the new year as an opportunity to refresh your hiring process, we’re tackling one of the pillars of a job application: the résumé. In Part 2, we discussed how the cover letter is a somewhat outdated and irrelevant tool in the HR arsenal, which means that the résumé is […]

New Year, New Hire, Part 2: Are Cover Letters Necessary in 2022?

In Part 1 of our series about refining your hiring process in 2022, we discussed the importance of a good employer brand for candidate attraction. However, that’s only the first step — once you attract that talent, the pressure is on to identify the top candidates from the applicant pool. In order to accomplish this, hiring managers often […]