Navigating Leadership Transitions: Advice for New CEOs

What unique transition challenges do new CEOs face? How can they optimise high performance in the crucial first few months? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with Ty Wiggins, PhD, who is the lead for the CEO and executive transition practice at Russell Reynolds Associates. He is the author of The New […]

The Hidden Drawbacks of a Nice Corporate Culture

Niceness isn’t always as nice as it seems. As many organisations with a nice corporate culture are finding out, having a reputation for niceness can carry some challenges. A nice culture sometimes focuses on getting along to the detriment of delivering results. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp discussed how a nice […]

Measuring IQ and EQ

IQ and EQ have existed for as long as the human mind. IQ is short for intelligence quotient, and EQ is short for emotional quotient, more commonly called emotional intelligence. Though the concepts are well established, the specific terms have been in use only since the 1900s. Since then, many psychologists have researched how different […]

How to Develop High-Potential Employees

Knowing how to develop high-potential employees starts with identifying them. A high potential is usually considered to be someone with the personality characteristics, experience, and readiness to step into senior leadership. So, how can organisations build an effective high-potential development program? Recently on The Science of Personality, Christopher J. Duffy, MBA, managing partner at Hogan Assessments, […]

Working with Derailers: Coaching Insights at the Top of the Stress-performance Curve

Derailers are important because they are the habitual behavioural patterns that can get in our way. Typically operating below the level of conscious awareness, these behaviours are often easy to ignore. But when overused, they hinder performance. Coaching people to learn to work with derailers and manage stress can be a gateway into new understanding […]

From Resistance to Receptivity: Overcoming Feedback Resistance

The decision to change your behaviour based on personality assessment results is hard. Arriving at that choice requires a leader to have an open mindset, strategic self-awareness, and Hogan coaching. Hogan practitioners who hold feedback sessions and ongoing development discussions need to understand how to predict feedback resistance and guide leaders past it to receptivity. […]

The Importance of Values

Values affect our personal and professional lives in ways we aren’t often aware. They influence our work performance and organisational effectiveness. The importance of values can’t be overstated—values explain quite a lot about the nature of human nature. Recently on The Science of Personality, Robert Hogan, PhD, founder and president of Hogan Assessments, spoke about the […]

Employee Well-Being: Whose Responsibility Is It, Anyway?

Employee well-being matters. Most of us have had jobs that made us stressed or miserable. We know what it’s like to feel as though a boss or workplace is costing us our physical or mental health. In the words of Robert Hogan, PhD, “Bad leaders perpetrate terrible misery on those subject to their domain.” Who should […]

Understanding Elon

In every area of human endeavor there are people who make a living doing things, and there are people who make a living criticising what others do. Movie critics, literary critics, music critics, architectural critics, foreign policy critics, and business critics. Elon Musk is indisputably the first camp, but as the world’s richest person, he […]