How Do We Motivate, Engage And Retain Educational Leaders?

Our latest white paper has been written in collaboration by Dr Lynne Cruickshank and Dr Xander van Lill at PBC along with Rebecca Edgeley and Tara Staritski, Managing Partners at ialign. ialign, in partnership with Hogan Assessments, has gathered data from standardised, robust scientifically validated measurements of almost 1000 school leaders over the last decade […]

Navigating Leadership Transitions: Advice for New CEOs

What unique transition challenges do new CEOs face? How can they optimise high performance in the crucial first few months? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with Ty Wiggins, PhD, who is the lead for the CEO and executive transition practice at Russell Reynolds Associates. He is the author of The New […]

Why Equity Matters to Diversity and Inclusion Efforts

On July 10, 2024, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the world’s largest HR professional society, published a LinkedIn post about changing its approach to inclusion and diversity. The SHRM announcement proclaimed that the organisation would immediately adopt “the acronym ‘I&D’ instead of ‘IE&D,’” removing the E for equity. It quoted Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., president […]

How Organisations Can Improve Gender Equity in Leadership

March brings one of my favourite international holidays, International Women’s Day. March 8 is dedicated to celebrating the incredible accomplishments of women. While International Women’s Day reminds us of all the amazing things women can achieve, we should still remember we have a long way to go to achieve equality in the workforce. To date, […]

Four Meta-competencies of Leadership

Effective leaders exhibit four meta-competencies of leadership. These are (1) being emotionally intelligent, (2) being achievement focused, (3) being strategic, and (4) being inspiring. In this article, we explore the research behind these meta-competencies and how they influence leadership effectiveness. The four meta-competencies were developed using a combination of Hogan personality assessment data and 360 […]

Recognition as one of the Top Organisational Development Services Provider In Australia

Leadership is the cornerstone of any prosperous enterprise, directing its course while cultivating a collaborative culture that impacts employee experience and propels teams toward success. Given the significant influence leadership has, it is imperative to measure leadership effectiveness and support each leader on a path of self-awareness and continuous improvement. Read the full article here:

How to Adapt Leadership Development Strategies Across Managerial Levels

When organisations select a leader, they are making a multiyear investment in development. As leaders prepare to move to higher managerial levels, they need to develop skills to equip them for success in their changing role. The skills of leadership aren’t technical skills such as Scrum, SEO, or SQL. Rather, they are socioemotional skills such […]

How Humble Leaders Create Engagement

“Humble leaders create engagement,” said Robert Hogan, PhD, founder and president of Hogan Assessments. Humility is a complex characteristic to translate into behaviour. Sometimes the word humility is even used as a generalization for meekness or deference. Instead of humility, most people are likely to think of charisma as an essential trait in engaging leaders. Although charismatic […]

Improving Diversity and Inclusion: Practical, Evidence-based Recommendations

Over the last couple of years, the spotlight on diversity and inclusion (D&I) has intensified, fuelled by global events such as the widespread protests following George Floyd’s death and the impactful leadership demonstrated by female heads of state during the pandemic. Even here in Australia, these discussions have gained momentum, resonating with the recent advancements […]