Strategic Leadership in VUCA Environments

Leaders cannot anticipate every specific situation—not when the world is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). Knowing how to lead in a VUCA environment doesn’t mean making infinite contingency plans. Instead, it means having flexibility, solving problems, driving change, and handling the unknown. Strategic leadership in the face of VUCA means being versatile when your […]

Ethical Considerations in Workplace Assessments

With limited guidelines or consensus on how leaders should choose, administer, and debrief their employees and candidates using workplace assessments, practitioners and academics alike need a code of ethics. The American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code and Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Section Procedures exist, but talent management professionals need a comprehensive understanding of how to use […]

Psychological Safety and the Distant Leader

Everyone, including leaders, reacts to stress differently, but the way that leaders respond to stress affects their team members. When leaders react to stress with insecurity, mistrust, hostility, or social withdrawal, their attitudes and behaviours can cause significant damage to team psychological safety. Team psychological safety is the shared perception of whether it is safe or […]

Leadership Emergence vs. Leadership Effectiveness

One leadership skillset concerns advancing into positions of authority and getting to the top of organisations. At Hogan, we call this emergent leadership. A separate skillset concerns leading those organisations to success. We call this effective leadership. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, discussed the core […]

How to Incorporate Well-Being into Leadership Development

Occupational well-being is an essential part of overall well-being. Effective leadership coaching will personalise developmental feedback to the leader’s needs based on the context of their role, function, and organisation and on their personality. Individual differences in personality reveal how people experience well-being at work and how they manage stress. Leadership development should investigate how […]

How to Coach Leaders Through Change

Every organisation experiences some degree of change. It’s a constant in business. This fact makes change management a key capability for leaders. How they lead through change affects their personal, team, and organisational success. It also makes responding to change a key theme in leadership coaching. Hogan practitioners can coach leaders through it by helping […]

What Is Leadership?

Famed management consultant Peter Drucker, PhD, once described leadership as being about followership. This may sound redundant, but from our perspective, there’s much more to it. At Hogan, we’ve been studying leadership for decades. In fact, we’re an international authority in the subject—specifically in the relationship between leadership, personality, and job performance. But we realise […]

Leadership Through Organisational Crisis

Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer for Hogan, gave a presentation on leadership through organisational crisis at the Peter Berry Consultancy Thought Leadership Forum in Sydney. In 2018, Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 experienced engine failure. Debris from the engine struck the wing and a window, causing rapid decompression in the cabin and one passenger fatality. […]

Personality of Elite Athletes

PBC has worked with the elite athletes at both state and national level across Australia, developing their players, teams and umpires. We also published a research paper to examine the following points of interest: • Do elite sports players differ from non-elite sports players in terms of their personality? • How do any observable difference […]

CEO Behaviour

Are luxury possessions and speeding tickets indicative of CEOs who will cultivate scandal and commit fraud? They can be. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Aiyesha Dey, PhD, associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, about how CEO personality influences CEO behaviour. By researching the […]