Workplace Competition: Why We Compete at Work

Workplace competition is universal. The workplaces themselves aren’t the cause of why we compete at work, though. People are the common factor in all work environments everywhere. Something fundamental exists in human nature that motivates us to compete. Competition in the workplace can produce outcomes that are positive, negative, or a complex mixture. The desire […]

The Psychology of Sleep

Our personality can affect our sleep, and our sleep can affect our personality. Given that we spend about one-third of our time asleep, the psychology of sleep may have a greater influence on our well-being than we tend to believe. Recently on The Science of Personality, Zlatan Krizan, PhD, an award-winning researcher and professor of psychology […]

Are Generations Really That Different?

It’s easy to assume that baby boomers, Gen Z, millennial, and Gen X generations all differ significantly. After all, each generation entered the workforce under drastically different conditions. But how different are they in terms of personality? The Science of Personality cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp dive into decades of Hogan personality data to explore generational differences in personality. […]

What Is Strategic Self-Awareness?

Hogan founder Robert Hogan, PhD, says that by “know thyself,” the ancient Greeks weren’t talking about simple introspection. Their concept of self-knowledge meant understanding the limits of one’s performance capabilities in any given interaction.1 Similarly, Hogan’s concept of self-knowledge—called strategic self-awareness—requires understanding how others perceive us in social interaction. When leaders fail to recognise their strengths, […]

Managing Creative Teams

If you’ve ever led creative people, you know that managing creative teams takes special techniques. Creativity and imagination can bring innovation as well as impracticality. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp discussed what works and what doesn’t when managing creative teams. Research has shown best practices for how to manage process teams, […]

The Psychology of Patience

Is patience a virtue? Well . . . according to a new theory, there’s a much more fruitful way to think about the psychology of patience. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, and Blake Loepp spoke with Kate Sweeny, PhD, professor of psychology at University of California, Riverside, about the psychology of patience. A social psychologist with […]

Showing Race Fairness in Hogan’s Australian and New Zealand Assessments

Showing Race Fairness in Hogan’s Australian and New Zealand Assessments Organisations that use assessments to make decisions trust those assessments will provide helpful insights (who to hire, where to focus during coaching) without unfairly discriminating against demographic groups. Hogan shares these organisations’ concerns and is committed to ongoing reviews of our assessments’ fairness across age […]

Thought Leadership – Building Your Personal Brand: The Key to Career Success

Thought Leadership – Building Your Personal Brand: The Key to Career Success Authored by: Peter Berry, Managing Director, PBC   The concept of personal brand has become very popular in the world of leadership and business literature, including Forbes magazine and the Harvard Business Review. Personal brand is about building one’s value proposition to enhance private […]

Validity Scale Update

Starting on August 2, Hogan will be making a small update to the Validity statement that appears on some of our reports. The new statement will say, “This report shows a regular assessment pattern,” or “This report shows an irregular assessment pattern.” Here’s why we’re making this change.     The quintessential feature of any Hogan […]

Hogan Assessments Demonstrate Fairness Across Sexual Orientations

Organisations that use assessments to make talent decisions trust those assessments will provide helpful insights about people without unfairly discriminating against demographic groups. Equal employment opportunity for all is one of Hogan’s foundational values, and we are committed to ongoing reviews of our assessments’ fairness. For many years, we have demonstrated the fairness of our assessments […]