Psychological Safety and the Distant Leader

Everyone, including leaders, reacts to stress differently, but the way that leaders respond to stress affects their team members. When leaders react to stress with insecurity, mistrust, hostility, or social withdrawal, their attitudes and behaviours can cause significant damage to team psychological safety. Team psychological safety is the shared perception of whether it is safe or […]

Leadership Emergence vs. Leadership Effectiveness

One leadership skillset concerns advancing into positions of authority and getting to the top of organisations. At Hogan, we call this emergent leadership. A separate skillset concerns leading those organisations to success. We call this effective leadership. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, discussed the core […]

How Change Fatigue Derails Teams

Derailers, in Hogan terms, are everyday personality strengths that can become overused—particularly during times of increased stress, pressure, or complacency. When we stop monitoring our strengths, our behaviours can become detrimental. Someone who tends to be supportive and loyal to authority, for example, could begin to seem excessively deferential and ingratiating. Derailment in the individual […]

How to Incorporate Well-Being into Leadership Development

Occupational well-being is an essential part of overall well-being. Effective leadership coaching will personalise developmental feedback to the leader’s needs based on the context of their role, function, and organisation and on their personality. Individual differences in personality reveal how people experience well-being at work and how they manage stress. Leadership development should investigate how […]

Using AI to Interpret Hogan Scores

Artificial intelligence systems, especially large language models such as GPTs, respond to text-based inputs with novel, humanlike text outputs. You can ask for an essay about the fall of Rome or a love poem to your romantic partner, and the system will readily generate it. Such systems can even take medical test information as inputs and […]

The Future Is Here: AI, Personality, and the Impact

Before we start catastrophising about our future AI rulers, we should stop and appreciate the potential good that artificial intelligence can offer. The impact of AI on personality assessment and workplace communication will likely be positive—and extensive. Recently on The Science of Personality Live, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager at Hogan […]

HR Burnout: The Organisation Is Fine, But Are You?

Exhausted? Feeling cynical or negative? Checking out? It’s not just you—especially if you’re an HR professional. As much as burnout today is a global experience, even recognised by the World Health Organisation, it has taken an especially serious toll on the very people who are deeply concerned with occupational well-being: human resources professionals.1 So, what’s led to the […]

The 2022 Derailers of the Year

It was quite a year, wasn’t it? From supply chain issues to quiet quitting, from Will Smith to Elon Musk, it seems as though 2022 was characterised by big events, big personalities, and big derailers. Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, continued their annual tradition of […]

The Future of Personality Assessment

Measuring personality is complex. How can personality assessment retain what is valuable in traditional methods while leveraging the technology of the future, such as AI and machine learning? Recently on The Science of Personality, cohosts Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer, and Blake Loepp, PR manager, spoke with Georgi Yankov, PhD, senior research scientist at Development Dimensions International, about […]

Leadership Through Organisational Crisis

Ryne Sherman, PhD, chief science officer for Hogan, gave a presentation on leadership through organisational crisis at the Peter Berry Consultancy Thought Leadership Forum in Sydney. In 2018, Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 experienced engine failure. Debris from the engine struck the wing and a window, causing rapid decompression in the cabin and one passenger fatality. […]