Selecting and developing the best people
Achieve greater business outcomes through engaging leadership

Utilising psychometric assessments, we provide objective insights into candidates’ abilities, personalities, and motivations, ensuring alignment with job requirements.
Leveraging our expertise in psychometric assessments and talent management, we assist in identifying high-potential individuals and nurturing their growth.
Leveraging our expertise in psychometric assessments and team dynamics, we facilitate a deep understanding of individuals’ strengths, communication styles, and working preferences.
Drawing on our extensive experience in leadership assessment and development, we assist organisations in identifying and nurturing emerging leaders while enhancing the effectiveness of current ones.
With a focus on personalised development and growth, our experienced coaches provide invaluable guidance and support to help clients overcome challenges, capitalise on strengths, and achieve their professional goals.
Through ongoing research initiatives and collaborations with academic institutions and industry partners, we continuously advance understanding and best practices in areas such as psychometric assessment, leadership development, and team dynamics.
Hogan 360
The Hogan 360 powered by PBC is a comprehensive multi-rater feedback tool designed to help career-minded individuals and leaders at any level of an organisation gain a better understanding of how they are perceived by managers, peers, direct peers, direct reports, and others.
- Accurately measure leader’s reputation with strong technical validity and reliability
Build leadership knowledge with universal
leadership model - Compare & contextualise scores with global and industry benchmarking
- Prioritise development areas with top strengths and opportunities

PBC represents Hogan
Assessments in Australia
Hogan’s assessments predict workplace performance and solve everyday talent management challenges. Hogan are the global leader in the science of personality.
Clients we have worked with

Get Certified Today
Gain comprehensive training on how to use Hogan’s personality assessments.
PBC has a large library of free, open-source resources including whitepapers, ebooks, webinars, brochures and more.

Executive Selection Solutions
Future-Proof Your Leadership: PBC’s Succession Planning Approach
Overview of PBC’s CaaMS Offering
Succession Planning: Developing Organisational Continuity & Leadership Excellence
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